New QR code fad includes high tech tattoos

QR Code Tattoo

Though QR codes are becoming quite commonplace in various forms of advertising, both on screens and in print, they have now moved to a new location, as they have started to find their way onto the body in the form of tattoos.

Fred Bosch, for example, has now had one of the barcodes permanently inked to his forearm. He has chosen to have a random results code added to his skin. This means that one can never tell where scanning the code will result. Though one person who scans it could end up viewing a tweet, another might see the video of a cat, or a weather forecast for somewhere local or anywhere else around the world for that matter.

Though this “technologically advanced tattoo” is drawing a lot of attention to Bosch, he is not the first to have had one permanently added to the body. A recent stunt by Ballentine’s which involved a campaign called “Leave an Impression” placed a QR code on a man’s chest in ink.

That said, while Bosch’s tattoo is currently the latest technology for the two dimensional barcode, the one included in the Ballentine’s effort is not, meaning that whenever a new result is desired from scanning the code, it will need to be updated.

This does make the Bosch tattoo the most recent in terms of technology. As long as the technology is still around, this means that Bosch will always have a form of entertainment available, if nothing else from having this code tattooed to his arm.

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