These devices are starting to be an important part of the industry as a top choice among many businesses.
Among all of the various forms of mobile payments that are currently available, it is the credit card reader devices that are proving to be among the most popular as businesses of all sizes find different ways to improve their customer experiences through their use.
Though initially believed to be ideal for very small businesses, larger companies are using them, too.
According to the mobile payments report from BI Intelligence, “The mass adoption of smartphones and tablets has set the stage for a move away from fixed-point, card-based transactions and toward those completed on mobile.” It has allowed for a much greater flexibility by small entrepreneurs as well as larger businesses that don’t want to reply on a single set checkout location.
This mobile payments study showed that the devices of the sellers can play an important role.
Even if the consumers, themselves, aren’t shopping with their smartphones, these and tablets can be used by the merchants along with credit card readers in order to be able to complete mobile payments transactions no matter where the purchase is taking place.
The report also said that “The old dream of the ‘digital wallet’ is coming true in a very particular mobile-led fashion. With more than $3.95 trillion of non-cash transaction volume recorded in the U.S. alone in 2011, the stakes are high in this space.” They also said that companion apps are beginning to play their own very important role within this marketplace.
Large brands and companies all over the world are starting to look to mobile payments credit card readers as a new and innovative solution that allows customers to buy an item whether they are at the traditional checkout or in one of the store aisles. It also works very well for sellers who work in the field.
Recently, QR Code Press reported on specifically that mobile payments trend, as Scentsy partnered with PayAnywhere in the United States in order to allow its representatives to accept credit card payments through the use of their smartphones and tablets.