Mobile marketing pushed with a vengeance by Nokia

Nokia technology news

The company has embraced its new role as “challenger” and is seeking to be more aggressive to appeal to consumers.

Nokia has had struggles appealing to smartphone customers in the past and, as a result, has decided to redesign its mobile marketing strategy in order to “be more bold” and boost its appeal to consumers worldwide.

The company recognizes that it is now a challenger as opposed to a leader and has altered its efforts to suit that role.

According to Tuula Rytila, the chief marketing officer at Nokia, the company was, but is no longer a “leader in our industry” and it has come to realize this. For that reason, it can now start behaving “like a challenger”.

Nokia mobile marketingThe company has released a number of very positive mobile marketing statements along that line.

For example, Rytila explained that when it comes to the new challenger role for the company, “It’s quite natural and we’re having a lot of fun with it.” She also expressed that in terms of their mobile marketing efforts “We want to be more bold in our approach and [we want] a global brand, as well.

It is precisely that factor of growing to a global brand that may become central to the future of the company. As Rytila pointed out, Nokia is currently seeking to develop a brand that will appeal to consumers in emerging markets, Europe, and the United States, alike. To be able to accomplish this goal, the company is placing its reliance on “relevancy and emotion” in order to express its message and appeal to customers.

Over the last few years, as Android has taken hold and is building its popularity, Nokia has been experiencing some serious trouble in its worldwide sales. At one time, the company had been the leading device manufacturer around the globe, but its shipments have dropped off sharply and Samsung has taken over that position of leadership over the market.

Now, in its latest drive forward – as is being pushed in its mobile marketing – Nokia has entered into a partnership with Microsoft, to base its devices on the Windows Phone platform. This is a strategic alliance to try to boost the standing of both companies in the smartphone market, though the lost share is still presenting certain notable challenges.

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