Mobile Marketers Define Top Tips for Copy Optimization

Mobile Marketing Tips

Mobile Marketing Tips
Mobile marketing experts have released their findings regarding the type of optimization required for copy that will be viewed by individuals using a mobile device.

Copywriting for any type of campaign has its own rules and structures, and mobile marketing is no exception. With the rapidly growing popularity of this type of advertising and promoting, marketers have been scrambling to test and retest to find out what works and what doesn’t.

What they’ve found is that the best technique is to keep it simple and be direct. Though other media may allow for fun anecdotes, full introductory paragraphs, and other supporting information, but mobile users just want you to get to the point. Marketers need to learn how to be very direct.

Big blocks of content are no longer the way to go, as they cannot be skimmed by a reader to rapidly obtain the information they seek.

Mobile viewers are typically using their mobile devices as a secondary task. They’re filling time while they do something else, or are simply checking information so that they can move on to the task they wish to complete.

Furthermore, they are highly distracted, as they are not simply sitting at a desk, reading a computer screen. Moreover, their own device screens are quite small, if not tiny. A massive amount of content will swamp the screen.

Therefore, the top tips for mobile marketing have been define in order to ensure the greatest amount of impact. They are as follows:

• Focus on the goal
• Use powerful headlines
• Keep small screen sizes in mind
• Place the good stuff at the top/ beginning
• Test your content to see what works best
• Copy for apps should be written in an app-specific way

Mobile Marketing Training

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