Mobile health helps with maternal health and early child care in Tanzania

The program’s first year has now successfully been completed and the text messages will continue.

The mobile health program that is designed to help pregnant women, and new mothers called the mHealth Tanzania Partnership has now completed its first year and the team behind it feels that it has been an extremely successful launch.

The program has already drawn over 300,000 registrants in Tanzania and has been providing effective assistance.

The technology behind the program is quite simple, as it offers text messaging that is meant to support and inform mothers. Two of its services include the Healthy Pregnancy and the Healthy Baby Text Messaging Service. The program is the result of a number of shared and pooled resources that have allowed the benefits to be experienced by mothers across the country. It provides them with a broad spectrum of different maternal healthcare and early childcare topics.

The mobile health service is provided to these pregnant women and new mothers at no cost to them.

This free service sends three or four messages to the subscriber’s phone every week. It provides a number of important maternal health tips throughout a woman’s pregnancy. As many mothers have questions and know that there are things that can go wrong, this information is very helpful to ensuring that they will have a healthy pregnancy and that the risk of issues will be minimized.

By the writing of this article, there had been more than 21 million mhealth messages sent to pregnant women and new mothers whose babies were up to the age of 16 weeks old. Messages were also sent to the supporters of women who were expecting or who had newly given birth, and to fathers to be. Even individuals who are simply in need of general information about healthy pregnancy were also welcome to subscribe to receive these texts.

The purpose of the mobile health program was to ensure that people would be able to have access to this very important information regardless of location or income level. It includes information that includes time sensitive reminders such as clinic visits and to take medication for the prevention of malaria. The messages are carefully timed and so that they are relevant to the recipient (for example, a supporter, or the pregnant woman, herself).

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