Purchasing and making buying decisions over smartphones and tablets is becoming increasingly common.
According to the latest study results issued by comScore and The Partnering Group based on data collected and analyzed since June, 55 percent of all online shopping began with mobile commerce over a smartphone or tablet in some way.
The findings underscore the way in which shopping is heading in an increasingly small screen direction.
The results of the data analysis has underscored the importance of mobile commerce and that the world is moving increasingly in that direction. Though it may not have reached the point, yet, that people are making their final purchases over these devices, they are playing a growing role in the overall shopping process. Shoppers are using these gadgets for informing themselves about products and services, and are regularly running price comparisons.
Many purchases eventually made over laptops begin with mobile commerce activities.
Mobile commerce is believed to have effected 69 percent of purchases made over a laptop or desktop computer within the second quarter of the year. Thirty four percent were impacted by behaviors over tablets, while 21 percent were from smartphones.
The Partnering Group and comScore found that only 45 percent of all retail Internet time was spent on a desktop or laptop computer. This suggests that these larger screen devices are losing their influence over the actual purchase that is being made and are used more as a location to complete a transaction than an arena in which to learn more about what is available.
In June, smartphone usage reached 44 percent of all retail internet minutes, where it had been only 17 percent in the same month of 2010. Also noted was that mobile commerce reached $4.7 billion during the second quarter of 2013, which was an increase of 24 percent over the figure that was achieved in 2012. This makes it clear that retailers shouldn’t wait any longer to make their way into smartphone and tablet based shopping if they wish to keep up with the competition, let alone beat it. It is especially important to give consumers the ability to inform themselves about products and pricing over this channel.