PAU is adding the barcodes to trees to provide scanners with instant educational information. The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) in India has announced that it is launching a new program that will use quick response codes on trees to offer people instant information include the age of the tree and the benefits it provides. This use of the barcodes is a component of the PAU’s broader Green and Clean Campus initiative. Beyond the quick response codes, the Green and Clean Campus initiative will also restore the rock garden on the…
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What is Сold Lead: Successful Business by Converting Leads
When it comes to sales and a question: “What is cold lead?”, it refers to someone who has not previously interacted with your company. They may have seen an advertisement or social media post, but know nothing about your products or services. The Concept of a Cold Lead A cold lead is a contact who has not previously interacted with your company. They may have seen an advertisement or social media post but know nothing about your products or services. It is believed that there are always fewer cold leads…
Read MoreMaking Use of QR Codes in Your Social Media Strategy
There was a time when QR codes weren’t even acknowledged by your average joe, let alone used in everyday life. But then came the pandemic and with it, a newfound appreciation for the conveniences QR tech can offer. And suddenly, this decades-old invention — once considered a passing fad — is seeing a dramatic rise in popularity among consumers. Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to see people using QR codes to make payments, look up product information, and even access menus at restaurants. What’s more, QR codes are also becoming increasingly…
Read MoreThe Top Tech Trends in Marketing – 2022 and Beyond
Technology is always changing and evolving, and these advancements serve to improve the manner in which business marketing and advertising is done, and will be done, in the future. Here are the trends that will drive your business and brand marketing throughout 2022 and well into next year. Chat bots and artificial intelligence The chatbot is a computer driven program that can allow your business to communicate seamlessly with those who have visited your site, or online products. The chatbot was initially a means of picking up on key words…
Read MoreQR codes to play critical role in food waste reduction strategy
A new Cornell study has found that quick response barcodes can help to cut back on wasted food. Consumers are interested in using QR codes at the retail level to help inform themselves about products, particularly when it comes to cutting back on food waste, say the results of a recent Cornell study. The study was conducted over two months based on the sale of certain specific milk packaging. Across the two months, consumers were offered the opportunity to choose between buying milk with traditional best-by dates printed on them,…
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