LoRa Alliance Unveils LoRaWAN QR codes to boost IoT rollout

LoRaWAN QR codes - QR code on phone

The global association of companies is using the barcodes to speed up the Internet of Things expansion.

The LoRa Alliance, an association of companies from around the world supporting the open LoRaWAN standard for the Internet of Things (IoT) low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs), has introduced new LoRaWAN QR codes.

The barcodes are used to help with device identification and boost network management.

The new LoRaWAN QR codes provide all necessary identification data for adding devices to a network. In this way, they are meant to make it very fast and easy to include an additional device on the Internet of Things. The barcodes make it possible for zero-touch onboard enabling by facilitating network acceptance of devices by way of automated information exchange.

The quick response codes can be printed on devices. They will contain any of the necessary vendor and specific device ID data. That data will be preformatted to make standardized input occurs for a vendor’s network management system.

The LoRaWAN QR codes utilize norms with industry-wide acceptance for data processing.

In this way, the quick response codes can be used for the implementation of rapid, simple, secure, and even interoperable onboarding methods for devices by way of optical reading. In this way, the entire experience of deployment can be improved while giving the onboarding process a considerable boost.

“One of the LoRa Alliance’s key goals is to simplify LoRaWAN deployments,” said LoRa Alliance chairperson and CEO Donna Moore. “Implementing QR code-based network management offers tremendous advantages by automating a previously manual process. These benefits build on our recent enhancements of the LoRaWAN 1.0.4 specification, which now provides every element needed for easy development, certification testing and deployment of LoRaWAN. This commitment to ease of use is a strategic goal of the LoRa Alliance and is key to achieving massive IoT globally.”

LoRa Alliance Technical Committee chair Alper Yegin, who is also the vice chair of the Board of Directors added to the discussion about the LoRaWAN QR codes and their LoRaWAN QR codes - QR code on phonebenefits, explaining: ““As the LoRaWAN ecosystem grows, the alliance is constantly working to identify and implement approaches to accelerate deployments.”

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