Juchem Gruppe, a German food company, has introduced a new product that can actually interact with consumers. The company has unveiled the Qkie – a small cookie with its very own edible QR code. Juchem teamed with The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence to make the codes possible. Each code is printed on edible paper, which can be placed on the cookies after they have been baked. Consumers can customize the codes to link to online content.
Edible QR codes are nothing new, but Juchem is the first food company to make such codes that can be customized by customers. Each box of Qkie mix comes with 20 QR codes. The cookies aim to catch the interest of tech-savvy foodies who are looking to impress their friends and loved ones. As with all things QR, the content linked to the code is best viewed if optimized for mobile devices, which will require some amount of web design know-how. Each code is unique, so there is no danger of overlapping content.
QR codes are continuing to gain awareness amongst consumers and cookies may be one of the best mediums to expedite this trend. Juchem will be looking into including the codes with future projects, depending on how customers respond to their latest efforts. Other food companies may find inspiration in Germany, where QR codes are seeing great success in both the marketing and private sectors.