Upscale companies need to use specific methods for reaching consumers.
Luxury brands have always had to tell a different story than their more conventional counterparts, and mobile marketing has not changed this rule – only the way in which the central message is conveyed.
It must still promote a vision of an exclusive, desirable lifestyle that isn’t open to everyone.
Though this has been effectively achieved through other channels, it continues to present a struggle to marketers who are seeking to communicate with consumers via smartphone. The methods that they have previously been using simply do not translate to the smaller screen and unique technology.
Mobile marketing requires brands to rethink their strategies for engagement.
The primary struggle which must be overcome is to use the opportunity to entice and attract the smartphone using consumer. There are a few ways that this can be accomplished. Among them are the following:
• Be interesting and relevant – no matter what mobile marketing technique is used, from text to landing pages, or from QR codes to augmented reality, provide intriguing and appealing content that is attractive to the consumer in a subtle way that will encourage them to seek out more information. By adding a bit of mystery, brands will encourage the smartphone user to continue to proceed through the layers of content to learn more. This will create increased interest and desire about the brand and its products.
• Release content in phases – a part of the creation of mystery is to control the rate at which information is released. Though it is tempting to provide the consumer with everything all at once, by breaking things down into phases, brands provide the smartphone consumer with a reason to come back for more.
• Encourage customer participation – allow the phases to unfold with consumer interaction. Provide them with sophisticated clues that challenges them to bring their experience with the brand into the outside world and not exclusively on the smartphone screen.
• Use exclusivity as a reward – mobile marketing for luxury brands is based on exclusivity. This is highly alluring to many consumers and when it is used as a reward, it deepens the relationship between the consumer and the brand.