Holiday mobile commerce will play a leading role for Americans

holiday mobile commerce shopping

Shoppers are expected to use their smartphones more than desktops when looking for sales.

Holiday mobile commerce will be taking the top spot in the United States today as shoppers turn to smartphones. That said, while the majority of traffic is expected to come from mobile devices, desktop users are still behind the most retailer revenue.

Predictions say that 53 percent of online shopping traffic will come from mobile devices today.

That said, just because holiday mobile commerce is expected to be powerful this year, it doesn’t mean it’s easy for everyone. Both retailers and consumers have found themselves struggling in some ways. Not all apps and mobile websites have been making things easier for shoppers. Moreover, not all companies feel that the transition to mobile is a smooth one.

For instance, the checkout process on m-commerce can require forms to be completed on touchscreens. This is after having had to add goods to baskets in the right quantities. Moreover, websites that are not fully mobile optimized can mean some features are too small to comfortably use. This can make the experience clunky and inconvenient.

As a result, holiday mobile commerce traffic and revenues are not expected to grow at the same rate.

holiday mobile commerce shoppingAdobe Digital Insights predicted that only 34 percent of sales throughout the holiday shopping season will have been completed via mobile device. When compared to the 53 percent of traffic coming from smartphones and tablets, there is clearly a discrepancy. People may be looking for the products they want to buy using their smartphones but they are purchasing elsewhere.

According to Adobe Digital Insights principal analyst, Tamara Gaffney, “Mobile interactions will make or break retailers’ online revenue this holiday season.” She also pointed out that “Mobile experiences are improving but consumers’ expectations are outpacing retailers’ ability to deliver great mobile experiences.” The mobile apps and optimized websites from large retailers have been able to leap ahead, said Gaffney, but online-only retailers and smaller businesses have not been able to achieve those same successes.

Many retailers are finding that the transition to holiday mobile commerce comes with both the good and the bad. That said, they do find that it is inevitable that they take part in m-commerce. This is particularly true if they want to appeal to Millennials, the largest generation of consumers.

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