Vannes, France, recently played host to the “Paris fait son show,” a traveling art exhibit comprised of works from artists around the world. This year, the exhibit is delving into the realm of mobile technology.
QR codes have been capturing the eye of many artists recently. The codes most often appear on canvas with little accompaniment. The traveling exhibit will be showcasing more innovative integration of the barcodes, however, to show that a working code does not need to be the only thing people see.
SET Japan, a famed advertising group and pioneer of designer QR codes, will be participating in the show. The team at SET has created a number of pieces that feature QR codes as well as several artistic elements woven throughout their works. SET is, perhaps, most known for their work with the Japanese and British Red Cross. The firm created several designer QR codes to help gain aid in the wake of Japan’s tsunami disaster.
Patrick Donnelly of QRarts, a small company specializing in creating engaging marketing strategies powered by QR codes, has also contributed his work to the exhibit.
Mobile technology is becoming a force to be reckoned with in the art world. While QR codes are most often characterized as marketing tools, in the hand of an artist, they become a new medium through which a vast array of emotion can be expressed.