QR codes are popping up all over the campuses at Rogers State University in Claremore, Oklahoma. Randy Riggs, a graphic designer that has designed some of the codes, likens the use of the codes to an Easter egg hunt. The codes are posted on the RSU campuses provide information on the university, its programs and events. Using tools from Google, Riggs was able to customize the codes to make them more unique to the university.
The athletics department has already begun using the codes extensively in their schedule posters. The code links to a site where the RSU Hillcats application. The school has also placed the codes in advertisements that link to student surveys. Brochures also carry the code and take scanners to a residential life website that offers virtual tours of the school and off-campus homes.
The number of people that have accessed the RSU site from smart phones has doubled since the school started using QR codes according to Jimmy Hart, public relations coordinator for RSU. Hart is sure that the younger generation will be the target of QR codes and assures that the code will be used more on campus.
RSU alumni have not been left out of the QR effort as the school has created a character dubbed Qwerty. The character accompanies QR codes and, when scanned, teaches users what a QR code is, how it is used, and what it can be used for in the future.
The school has made major strides in pushing toward the future as it expands its facilities, faculty and technology use. QR codes are the next step in engaging students.