Advertising can be expensive, making it less and less appealing, especially to the small business owner. They’ve been hard hit by this passing recession and are finding themselves unwilling to commit a significant amount of their budget to costly outdoor advertisements, many hoping that word of mouth will suffice. A Chicago-based company is looking to change that, however, by providing reasonably priced advertising through the use of QR. was launched to cater to small and medium businesses who must advertise to bring in traffic but unable to do so because of lack of funds. The company specializes in billboard sized QR codes. The first black and white mosaic can be found in Chicago’s South Loop on the side of a building and is 600 square feet.
The code links to a website and offers exclusive discounts to those that scan it. Users simply need to scan the code, retrieve a special offer and show that code at the store to get their discount.
The use of the code is environmentally friendly as well. The code only needs to be printed once and the information associated with the code can be changed at a moment’s notice without having to edit the code itself in any way. Conventional billboards are made from PVC vinyl which cannot be recycled and are changed every month – leaving a huge amount of waste behind yearly.
The QR code can be easily tracked for analytics regarding how many people have scanned the code when it was linked to a specific business.
Currently, showcases a rotating gamut of businesses with their mammoth code in Chicago reflecting the change on a weekly basis – business owners are only charged for when their code is displayed.