Innovative modern artist Yiying Lu is making waves in the mobile world. Lu, who has created designs for Conan O’Brien, Twitter, TBS and several other companies, has been incorporating QR codes and augmented reality into her work for some time. Among her most recent projects include custom wall graphic for the Computer History Museum in Silicon Valley, California, and she was in attendance at the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Nevada to show off her work.
The Computer History Museum recently held its Australia Week event, which aimed to show off some of the best art coming from the country. Having studied at the University of Technology in Sydney, Lu was invited to participate in the event by creating a sleuth of designs and custom wall graphics, many of which contained QR codes. Lu was also tapped by StartUp Debut, an organization which aims to help innovative people media exposure. Lu designed the promotional materials used for the Start-up Debut conference at the Consumer Electronics show this year.
Art and technology has had a long, tenuous relationship. Though the two rarely mingled in the part, the borders separating them are becoming thinner. Artists like Yiying Lu are making major strides in showing how art and technology can work hand-in-hand to accomplish a goal.
Yiying Lu is currently the co-founder and creative director for Walls360, a graphic design firm specializing in wall graphics.