The prime minister is using mobile technology as he runs for president of the country.
Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga has announced that he is using mobile marketing in the form of augmented reality through Aurasma, in order to help to boost his campaign for president of the country.
There are now over 100 different countries that are using Aurasma’s services and technology.
Although QR codes were widely used in campaigns during the American presidential election, Kenya is leading the way by taking mobile technology a step further in their own race for president by implementing augmented reality. The prime minister of the country is using the very latest in AR technology to try to help build his support as he runs for president.
Odinga feels that the penetration of smartphones among Kenyans is extensive, making it a great way to reach them.
He explained that “When Kenyans go to the polls to vote for their President, their future will be in their hands and so will their mobile phones. By using Aurasma in our campaign app, we will be able to reach out to voters in a completely new way, making it easier for them to get information about the Presidential election process and my policies if elected.”
Mr. Odinga also went on to say that there is great importance to using campaign efforts that will make politics “accessible and satisfy Kenyan’s appetite for the latest technology.” It was for this reason that he chose to use an application that would help to inform them, and that would take advantage of what augmented reality has to offer.
The augmented reality application is called “Raila for President”. It was created by Blue Storm Solutions an agency based in London. It is designed to provide Kenyans with information about the country’s election process as a whole, as well as provide useful videos and up to date news. In addition, it also includes image recognition technology which is provided by Aurasma, the top augmented reality platform in the world.
Kenyans with smartphones will be able to use the app in order to bring campaign posters and literature to life with augmented reality elements. They can also use the feature to make donations to the prime minister’s presidential election campaign.