The SmartEyeglass is the latest wearable technology unveiled by the brand at the MWC.
At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Sony tossed in its own version of wearable technology in the form of augmented reality glasses that they are calling SmartEyeglasses and that are still in the form of a concept that hasn’t yet been completed.
This category is becoming one of the hottest areas for consumer tech, and it is rapidly gaining in numbers.
When it comes to augmented reality glasses, the most well known is more than likely Google Glass. However, they are rapidly being joined by a number of others that are attempting to become the hottest product in a type of computer that can be comfortably worn all day long. When it comes to the SmartEyeglasses from Sony, most reports from the MWC are that they have not quite achieved either a stylish appearance or a solid range of performance. However, what this concept device has managed to accomplish, so far, is a binocular vision experience that Google Glass has not created.
This means that these augmented reality glasses could provide a much higher quality AR experience.
The design of the SmartEyeglasses will allow the actual wearable technology to look like glasses that are tethered to a kind of control puck that is somewhat like the Moverio and Epson devices. That said, these are notably different in that their version will also require an Android device for a connection in order to be able to obtain information.
The content displayed on the lenses will be available through WiFi and Bluetooth connections. At the moment, the display will be only in the color green and only text display will be possible. While only text can be seen, the device does still have a camera feature built on the lenses, allowing the wearer to take pictures. However, as far as what was described at the MWC, additional features don’t appear to be a part of this device.
That said, much of this could change between now and the time that these augmented reality glasses make it to the market. The reason is that this is far from the final version. Instead the company was presenting only their concept of what was to come.