QR codes are becoming more popular in the world of medicine. In the medical world, the codes are used for information distribution instead of marketing. They allow hospitals and physicians the ability to connect with patients and provide assistance and services when needed. The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority in Georgia has begun putting QR codes for the Atlanta Medical Center on the city’s buses. The codes are meant to help those that may have to take a trip to the emergency room.
The codes are plastered on the backs of public buses. When scanned with a smart phone, the codes resolve to a mobile website where people can find information on ER wait times. They will also be able to save their spot “in line” at the ER. The medical center believes that the codes will help those with emergency situations of varying degrees plan ahead. Whether this will prove to be the case has yet to be seen.
There is a problem with QR codes posted on moving vehicles, of course. Barcode scanning applications are not well known for their ability to clearly capture moving images. Buses do make frequent stops, but if a person in transit chooses to scan the code, they may well end up in the emergency room themselves. Advertisers well versed in mobile marketing have had to perform a delicate juggling act in order to balance driving safety and interactive marketing. This may be something hospitals will also have to do if they wish to continue using QR codes.