Not everyone seems to be on the bandwagon for these cute little, black and white, square boxes, known as QR Codes.
Are they just misunderstood by the less-than-technically-savvy consumer? After all, they are a progressive advance to advertising and the way we communicate.
Facebook, YouTube and Twitter all seemed like an outrageous fad when they first came on the scene. Then advertisers started thinking about the millions of viewers worldwide. That’s when the light came on. Facebook was said to have 2010, fourth quarter profits around 250 million. The majority of this was from brand advertising.
Marketing consultants, advertisers and countless others are looking to the next, hot thing that will make money. Many feel that QR Codes are the answer. Japan has been using them for years, as well as, a few other foreign countries. But will they be welcomed with open arms here in the states?
The really cool thing about them is that you only need a Smartphone to be able to read them.
Download a free App; take a picture of the code, and the App translates it for you. Advertisers are linking product information, websites, coupons and tons of other stuff to them. They’re just a small square barcode; that can be put on virtually anything. Magazines, newspapers, flyers, business cards and t-shirts, are just a few of the things they can go.
It is a revolutionary new way to link offline users and mobile users.
Some may be concerned when they start showing up more and more on billboards, marquees or the side of a bus. Less than careful drivers might mess it up by trying to scan while driving…of course this guy is also probably texting too…&%#@*!!!
These will be marketed as a business tool and a social media application; hitting the mobile tech junkies, advertisers and kids first. Just when Facebook and Twitter got us all talking, now we’ll have some seemingly blank, bar-coded square to scan, that will take us who knows where?