Wearable technology brings clothing that responds to background music

wearable technology botfactory squink

A new high tech shirt called Sync uses LED that pulses in response to tunes in the room.

A new VJ shirt called Sync is among the latest entries into the wearable technology category, bringing with it an integration of LED into a plus sign design, which pulses in response to background music that it detects.

The wearable tech product is from CRTED, a design consultancy and R&D lab from New York City.

The company used the innovations in circuitry and hardware from startup Botfactory in order to be able to create this wearable technology clothing that will respond to ambient music. The audio responsive Sync shirt lights up in response to background music with varying degrees of intensity, based on what is being “heard”.

The prototype for this unique wearable technology product was created in a matter of only 24 hours.

This was made possible by the personal electronic circuit factory, Squink, which was developed by Botfactory. The funding for Squink came from a successful Kickstarter campaign, and is capable of printing ink that is conductive, so that it is able to form flexible, thin circuit boards. It is exactly that type of circuit board that is central to the LED lights shaped as a plus sign on the Sync shirt. The circuit board was set onto a patch that was then attached on the inside of the clothing wearables.

Using this technique means that wires do not need to be run through the fabric in order to allow it to function. Instead, it is self sustaining. Moreover, it means that the patch can be easily taken off the shirt, itself, when the clothing needs to be laundered. This also makes it possible for the user to attach the patch to a different piece of clothing, if they don’t want to continuously wear it on the same shirt.

Squink from Botfactory uses tech that could become quite popular in wearable technology, due to the possibilities of its thin and flexible electronics. This technique makes it possible to provide electronics that are nearly invisible, which is ideal for wearables that come in the form of smart clothing.

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