The Virginia Lottery will be partnering with Hipcricket, a mobile marketing and advertising company, to implement new marketing strategies targeting mobile consumers. The partnership aims to increase consumer engagement through the use of multichannel initiatives which include QR codes, multimedia messages and other services designed to keep consumers connected with the Lottery. QR codes, in particular, will play a large role in the campaign as they have become one of the most prized tools used by marketers to engage consumers.
The Virginia Lottery will be adding QR codes to lottery machines throughout the state. When scanned, the codes link to a mobile website where potential players can find out more information on the various aspects and games of the lottery. The codes will also be printed on lottery tickets and players can scan them to learn about the status of the current lottery. The Lottery will also be introducing an opt-in program where players can receive text message alerts about games on their mobile device.
Hipcricket has a long history with mobile marketing strategies and will be overseeing the campaign. The company will produce several TV spots for the Lottery to promote the new mobile marketing campaign and hopes to draw in a younger crowd of tech-savvy consumers. The Virginia Lottery is following in the footsteps of the Louisiana Lottery who adopted QR codes last year as a way to connect with consumers.