U.S. business owners starting to embrace the ease of QR code advertising

QR Code Marketing

QR Code linked to Product Video

Last Thursday, the Memphis Society of Entrepreneurs, an assortment of high ranking business and community leaders, hosted the Merging Media roundtable forum. The event was a discussion regarding the emergence of the mobile marketing industry and its widespread influence in a number of business sectors. The keynote speaker was Dave Barger, CEO of LunaWeb, a leading web design company. Barger singled out QR codes as one of the more promising marketing tools.

When the codes first started becoming popular in the U.S., many doubted their longevity. They proved to be far more than novelty as more companies began seeing success in their use of the codes. Barger believes that their popularity will continue to soar over the next two years. He says that those looking to capitalize on the meteoric rise to fame of the QR codes better do so now before they miss their opportunity.

“Get ahead of the curve,” says Barger, “make your customers understand the value of scanning your QR codes.”

Barger insists that the popularity of QR codes in western society heralds a rising demand for more personalized interactions between businesses and consumers. By using location-based services, such as Foursquare, the popular social media website, companies can tailor their marketing efforts to particular smart phone users. There are concerns over privacy issues, of course, but Barger argues that these concerns are nothing new.

“Worries will greatly diminish in the next couple years,” he says.

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