Top Gear magazine, the monthly publication of the acclaimed British car show Top Gear, has adopted augmented reality. The magazine has partnered with renown AR platform Aurasma in order to bring a new dimension to the publication. The December issue of the magazine is filled with several augmented reality experience, which readers can access by downloading the Aurasma mobile applications. These experiences include various highlights from the TV broadcast as well as behind the scenes interviews with famous guests and the show’s hosts.
The app works by simply pointing a mobile device at the magazine. The app makes use of image recognition software that allows it to seamlessly weave digital experience with the physical product. Top Gear magazine is well known for its constant work to find new and innovative ways to engage readers. Depending upon the reaction from consumers, the magazine may continue its use of augmented reality in the future.
The print industry has suffered a sharp decline amongst consumers in the advent of technology. Magazines have fared better than other publications as they have long been a source of entertainment, even for those enthralled with technology. Augmented reality, along with other mobile technologies, has been used as a way to enhance print media. Thus far, the use of these technologies has been somewhat successful, drawing more consumers to print and helping the industry, as a whole, compete with digital media.