More individuals and businesses are becoming aware of the environmental threats facing our world.
With simple lifestyle changes and decisions of how businesses are run, energy consumption from fossil fuel can be significantly reduced. For example, business can go with green WordPress hosting providers. Many of these WordPress hosting providers run their facilities on solar energy. To help keep you informed, here are 10 resourceful green blogs you can use to stay on top of the environmental options that are available.
1. Green Biz
Green Biz is a blog that focuses on green businesses and stories in the industry. They post helpful strategies that can help their businesses become greener. The focus doesn’t end at just the business side of environmentalism. There are many stories, initiatives and event coverage you’ll find on the blog.
Business Green is another green blog that focuses on the business side of environmentalism. A big portion of their coverage is on technology. By following this blog, you’ll be the first to know about the latest developments in this sector. It also covers investment and the politics of going green so that you’re well informed about how to spend your money.
3. TreeHugger
TreeHugger is one of the most well known blogs on sustainable living. It covers everything from energy, technology, science, lifestyle to business. You’ll find every conceivable topic about going green. There are many helpful tips that non-business people can use for their daily lives.
Ecopreneurist is a blog dedicated to helping entrepreneurs launch and build green businesses. They provide a wide variety of ideas for starting a green business. So if you’re looking for a business idea that also happens to be green, this blog will serve as a great source of information. There is also a lot of strategy and marketing advice that just about any entrepreneur will be able to use for their business.
The Holistic Mama is a lifestyle blog that focuses on using natural and sustainable products for everyday living. This blog will teach you how to create products that do not have harmful chemicals and environmentally damaging ingredients. You’ll also learn about eating a healthy and sustainable diet with delicious seasonal recipes.
Green Living Guy is a blog dedicated to green living. You’ll learn about how to use natural products that can improve your life. You’ll even find DIY projects to design a greener home. This blog covers a broad spectrum of topics so that anyone can apply tips and strategies to live a greener lifestyle. It’s won awards for being one of the best green blogs, so it will be worth your while to follow.
7. Eco Chick
This is a green lifestyle blog for women. You’ll learn about everything from shopping for eco-friendly clothing, using eco-friendly skin care products, information about eco-friendly home products, and more. The blog isn’t just about lifestyle advice. It also features beautiful photos of nature and real stories about how individuals are making a difference.
Groovy Green Living is a blog that shares the best tips about living naturally and sustainably. You’ll discover everyday tips like washing/drying your laundry, eating a sustainable diet and reusing old everyday products. There’s also a lot of focus on natural and eco-friendly consumer products. You’ll learn which products are safe and natural for your family, what foods to stay away from, and more.
9. Green Monk
Green Monk is a green blog that focuses on technology. It covers everything from sustainable energy generation, designing smarter cities, next wave transportation solutions, eco-friendly gadgets and tech companies that are moving to greener systems. If you want to stay on top of emerging trends and innovations in green technology, this is the blog to follow.
10. Makower
This green blog is run by Joel Makower, who is an expert in business, technology and sustainability. He reports on the business side of being environmentally friendly. You’ll discover stories about how small and big businesses are shifting their business models to be greener. These stories can tip you off on trends that you can take advantage before it reaches the mass market. You’ll also get the latest scoop on energy and climate news as well as the political angle that affects change.
These 10 green blogs covers everything from business, news, entrepreneurship, politics, technology, lifestyle, to consumer products. There are many benefits of following these blogs. You’ll learn about how to spend your money as a consumer to support positive change. You’ll have awareness about technology trends that can change the way your business runs. You’ll get everyday tips on how to save money and live a greener lifestyle. This list is endless. So what are you waiting for? Follow these blogs if you want valuable advice on sustainable living.