The ultimate guide to off-page SEO

When it comes to SEO, there are two types you need to consider – on-page and off-page SEO. This guide is going to focus on off-page. You’ll learn what it is and how to use it to drive traffic. 

What is off-page SEO? 

Off-page SEO is everything that doesn’t take place on your own website. All the components such as backlinks, social shares, and reviews contribute to off-page SEO. The more traffic your site receives from external sources like these, the higher it can rank in search engines.

On top of this, you should be concerned with the relevancy of your links. If you link to other sites that aren’t relevant, then it can affect your website’s ranking potential. Check out this SEO guide for more information.

Why is off-page SEO so important? 

In traditional SEO, you would create a website and hope that it’s relevant to what people are searching for. When someone links to your site from another source, the search engine then views your content as important. Even if they don’t link directly to you, they may link out to resources or other websites where your content is being shown. This means that your links are helping your content rank higher.

The ultimate guide to off-page SEO

What are the different types of backlinks?  

There are four types of backlinks you should focus on:

Authority links – these links give your content instant authority. If a highly credible source links to your site, then it can increase your rankings and lead people directly to you. For example, if New Scientist published an article about ‘How To Grow Tomatoes’ and they included a link to your site, then Google would likely value it more than if you just linked out.

Scalable links – it’s important for SEO purposes to have scalable links. This means that the number of clicks and traffic will increase in a linear fashion, so you don’t need all your links to be from authority sites. For example, if a university blog is linked to your site, then this would give you more opportunity than just one customer linking to it.

Professional links – if you want to generate more traffic, you need to find ways of getting high-quality backlinks. The best kind is achieved through contact with other professionals. This ‘link exchange’ technique is about building relationships with people in your industry who can then link back to you.

Natural links – the most effective way of boosting your website’s rankings is by earning natural links. These happen naturally and organically, so you won’t need to try too hard. If other people see your content as valuable or interesting, then they will link back to it without you asking for the favor.

How do you earn natural links? 

There are two approaches you can use to earn natural links: 

  1. Create amazing content – if your content is interesting, then it’s likely that others will share it. You may find that your posts generate a lot of traffic and people share them for this reason. This means you’ve got the opportunity to build relationships with other professionals in your field. 
  2. Find stories with hooks – instead of focusing on creating content, you can look for stories that are already trending. For example, if the ‘Brexit’ vote had just happened in the UK then it would be a good time to find new articles about this topic and link to them. This means that you’ve got the opportunity to capitalize on topical events and ride the wave of increased traffic.

One Thought to “The ultimate guide to off-page SEO”

  1. numbro

    good info for SEO EMPLOYEES keep on writing i am really happy to getting this info

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