QR codes created by skilled Austrian stonemasons for digital memorials

QR Codes used on gravestones

Instead of using the standard sticker format, Aspetos is hiring skilled artisans for the job. Though it may sound as though Aspetos, a bereavement company from Austria, is following the latest trend by allowing QR codes to be added to the gravestones it sells, it has actually added a unique addition to its service that makes it stand out from the rest. Stonemasons will be sandblasting the quick response barcodes onto the surface of the gravestones. Though many companies are already offering QR codes as features on their tombstones and…

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QR codes appearing on headstones produced by a Philadelphia business

QR Codes on headstones

These barcodes are joining the memorial trend that allow visitors to discover more about the deceased. Though most users of smartphones first learned about QR codes in the context of marketing, promotional materials, and product packaging so that they could learn about products and discounts, a company in Philadelphia is now taking this technology to the memorial industry. This trend has been popping up all over the United States and in some parts of Europe. The company is called Digital Legacy, and it produces stickers that display QR codes on…

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