Augmented reality app makes adbusting a legal and viable way to make art

Augmented Reality

Adbusting is a growing trend in the Eastern and Western U.S. Adbusting, also known as culture jamming, sees artists coming together to change existing advertisements with works of art. These works often hold some cultural commentary and are seen as vandalism in large cities. For some artists, the issue of vandalism can be quite the deterrent. As such, artists have begun using augmented reality as a way to carry out their adbusting goals. The Public Ad Campaign, a group of New York-based artists that considers all advertisements to be public…

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Augmented reality is taking the world of art by storm

Augmented Reality Video

Augmented reality is fast becoming a well used tool in the world of art. Artists from all over the world have found a use for the technology and have taken to constructing virtual art exhibits in the hearts of several major cities. Augmented reality is most often considered a tool for the marketing and entertainment industries, but as more artists find creative uses for the technology, it is becoming a powerful art medium. This trend is likely to continue as more people gain access to smart phones and other mobile…

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Augmented reality is saturating the world of art with new initiative from Yiying Lu

Yiying Lu

Yiying Lu, an acclaimed digital artist based in Sydney, Australia, has unveiled her latest foray into the world of tech-powered art. Lu’s latest project seeks to spread the prevalence of interactive art. She believes that interactivity is the future of all artistic endeavors and will allow people to experience incredible masterpieces in a new way. Lu has worked with QR codes in the past, designing a number of fashion-related sketches that have been used in magazines. The project will be part of Lu’e Walls 360 company, which specializes in custom…

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Science-fiction writer develops augmented reality app to send users on a virtual treasure hunt

Bruce Sterling

Once upon a time, augmented reality was considered nothing more than a fantasy. For years, those wishing to experience augmented reality escaped into vast, futuristic worlds portrayed in science-fiction. Author Bruce Sterling is all too familiar with this phenomenon, as we wrote some of the first books to feature AR technology. Sterling is renowned for crafting high technology from his imagination, but now he is bringing his ideas into reality. This time, however, he is not writing them down in a book. At the Art Center College of Design in…

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