Wearable devices can improve sleep provided the right data is tracked

Wearable devices - Person sleeping wearing smartwatch

Fitness trackers and other gadgets record lots of figures, but it’s not all equally useful to getting rest. Wearable devices have been adding an increasing number of data types that have to do with getting sleep. That said, according to sleep experts, not all that information is equally helpful to people who are trying to get more rest at night. While users are often interested in the information tracked while they sleep, using it isn’t as obvious. Various types of wearable devices from smartwatches to fitness trackers often measure the…

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Mobile technology is becoming a new babysitter for parents

mobile technology kids children

The results of a recent study have shown that kids are often handed smartphones and tablets to keep them quiet. As smartphones and tablets become a regular part of our daily lives, these various forms of mobile technology are starting to be used by parents on an increasing basis, often to help to keep those children calm, says the results of new research. This study placed the spotlight on the reason parents are using smartphones and tablets with their kids. It was conducted by researchers at the C.S. Mott Children’s…

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