Virtual events are presenting long-term advantages for savvy brands

Virtual Events - Virtual Live Chat

Festivals, concerts and celebrations have gone online but they can last far longer than a live stream. At the start of the pandemic lockdowns, virtual events were nothing more than livestreams. However, they have evolved since then, and brands are discovering that these short-term experiences can offer long-term value for companies and audiences alike. Virtual events are providing brands with the opportunity to build content and relationships. Organizers are gaining knowledge about keeping people engaged but have found that livestreaming doesn’t complete virtual events. They require more than that to…

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QR codes still requiring some trial and error by small businesses

QR Codes jbc online writing services

As even marketers with considerable experience and budgets struggle with the ideal use of the barcodes, so do smaller companies. Although it is reaching the point that QR codes can be found virtually everywhere that there is marketing, from product packaging to flyers, and from billboards to brochures, companies – large and small – are still trying to discover exactly how to take advantage of what they have to offer. The true potential of quick response barcodes still has yet to be reached, despite the fact that they are broadly…

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