The massive manufacturer were revealed its two new tablets at yesterday’s event. Apple has now unveiled its two latest tablet gadgets, one at the top of the range – the iPad Air – as well as a smaller and less expensive model – the iPad Mini 2 – and, as has been the case over recent years, the devices were met with mixed reaction. The iPad Air is the flagship tablet device and is designed to be the lightest full sized tablet on the market. The larger of the two…
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Gadgets to Gift Cards program launched at Walmart
The retail giant has introduced a trade in program to encourage mobile commerce and device shopping. As the majority of industry experts are now expecting that the next iPhone is less than a month away from being released by Apple, Walmart is taking a preemptive step by introducing a Gadgets for Gift Cards program, in which customers can turn in their old devices in exchange for a gift card to be used in its stores. The trade in is not exclusive to smartphones, but also includes MP3 players, video games,…
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