Google gets into the social media game

It looks like Google is growing again. The internet giant is ready to expand its social and mobile presence to give big hitters like Facebook and Groupon a little competition. Google’s friend finder “Latitude,” got ‘check-in’ capabilities and perks. Additionally, Google ‘places’ enhanced its program to add hotpot; a place for users to recommend and share services and products they have personal experience with. Since Google was started in 1996, their mission statement hasn’t changed.  The company mission was, “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and…

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How companies are spending their marketing dollars in 2011

For small to medium sized businesses, it is expected that these will increase their spending on digital advertising and marketing this year as compared to the previous one according to the Outlook report for 2011 released by Borrell Associates. In this report, 2,800 owners of SMBs were surveyed and results indicate that 84% of them will be spending on digital advertising while 53% will increase this part of their budgets. Results further indicate that a 30% growth is expected on the amount that these companies will spend on social media…

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