Researchers in the U.K. are now looking into the widely asked question about the effect of cell phones on kids. Scientists in the United Kingdom have now started a massive mobile technology study that was commissioned by the government and which is designed to examine the impact of the use of cell phones on children and their developing brains. The study will include the participation of approximately 2,500 London kids starting at ages 11 and 12. The children will be tested at their beginning age of 11 and 12 years…
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The A War…Apple vs. Android: A fight for first place
Android technology may be overtaking Apple by 2012. IT and technology experts who attended the Droidcon developers’ summit in Berlin last week, are confident that Android has what it takes to be the new number one. Android is the open source software developed by Google. In the last three years Apple has sold more than 85 million iPhones and iPod touch devices. Statistics from late 2010 show that Google’s Android phones rose in sales so rapidly, they outsold Apple handsets for the first time on record. Google’s phones made up…
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