How will mobile effect the presidential campaign in 2012

US Political Mobile Media Campaign

Among the strongest elements Obama’s 2008 election campaign was the fact that it used innovative and unique new techniques that applied technology to raise funds from large corporations such as CommerceTel Corp., as well as Verizon Communications, Walt Disney, and other U.S. giants. By using these methods to their fullest for the 2012 campaign, Obama should be able to raise $1 billion this time around. This is because campaigns that embrace the potential that technology has to offer will have a notable advantage over its competition. In the last election,…

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Respect is central to successful mobile marketing

How to Mobile Marketing

Experts on the emerging strategies for mobile marketing are discovering that respect, consideration, and courtesy are vital to avoiding alienating consumers. Acceleration Media managing director Diane Charton stated in a report that the increase in mobile devices that are internet capable has altered the way that people use their cell phones over the last few years. She stated that though it does provide greater opportunities for companies to communicate with their prospective customers, it is also very important that they be careful to create interaction with their customers, not…

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