Kids safety technology with QR codes eases parents

kids safety technology qr codes school buses

A startup in British Columbia, Canada is helping concerned parents to track their children. BusWays, a kids safety technology startup, has announced a service using QR codes to let parents ensure their kids are where they should be. This system is also meant to help schools to track school buses and to better identify children getting on and off those buses. The co-founders of the system have created it in order to help parents to overcome concerns about the safety of their kids. Fernando Simoes Guimaraes Pinto Nazario and Pedro…

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QR codes let parents check the safety of their kids school buses

kids safety technology qr codes school buses

Scanning the quick response codes allows people to see the results of the safety inspections on the vehicle. Parents of children taking buses to school in Michigan school districts will now be able to use QR codes as a tool to help to know that their kids are riding on vehicles that have been inspected and that have been deemed to be safe. These buses are outfitted with quick response codes that will reveal the safety inspection history of the vehicle. This school year represents the first time that parents…

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