Print could survive the technology revolution with the help of augmented reality

Stern Magazine Augmented Reality

Augmented reality seems to take a leap ahead with every passing day. The technology has, indeed, come a long way since its early days where its development was stunted by the lack of hardware capable of supporting it. Now, however, games, movies and advertisements are being centered on the technology. As more businesses begin to adopt augmented reality, they are discovering the myriad possibilities of the technology. One such possibility would have augmented reality save the whole of the print industry single-handedly. Print has been on the decline since the…

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The classic black and white look for Glamour magazine

Glamour Magazine QR Code

Magazines rely on advertisers to keep them going. This, more or less, is the law of the land as far as publishing goes. There are many factors that go into determining what advertisements best suit a publication readership, all of which can be very technical. Conde-Nast, publisher of some of the most popular magazines in the world, is taking a new approach to this process in their Glamour publication by using the champion of the mobile marketing industry: QR codes. Glamour magazine has already had plans to incorporate the codes…

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