Chicago launches new QR code campaign to help with emergency preparedness

QR Code Statistics

The Chicago Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC) has announced that it will be launching a new emergency notification service that utilizes QR codes as a means for information distribution. The new initiative will allow those with smart phones to quickly access information on emergency procedures conducted in the city. While traditionally used for marketing campaigns, QR codes are beginning to gain prominence with cities throughout the U.S. Some have used them to help drive tourism, while others have used the codes to help residents find information regarding public…

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TweetCaster PINK app now available in special edition for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October

TweetCaster PINK App

OneLouder, a top social app company, has announced that a new special edition of its TweetCaster PINK app is now available at the App store for iPod and iPhone mobile devices. The newly released special edition of the app includes all of the best features from the TweetCaster Pro for Twitter app, but this version will support Breast Cancer Awareness with its pink theme. This support will be possible through its partnership with the Feel Your Boobies Foundation. OneLouder has stated that it will be donating half of all of…

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NFC Boot Camp seeks to prepare the business world for NFC revolution

NFC Technology Mobile Payments Infrastructure

NFC technology is beginning to take off in the business world. A growing number of companies are looking to incorporate the technology into their business in some way, but few have an understanding of what NFC really is. In an attempt to raise awareness of the technology, a group of marketing professionals have launched a new series of seminars geared at preparing businesses for the oncoming storm of NFC technology. Dubbed NFC Boot Camp, this new series provides a crash course in all things NFC, especially when it comes to…

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QR codes used for awareness campaign but students not scanning

Abilene Christian University Jacob's Statue

QR codes are quite popular with marketers these days. With the rise of mobile technology, the codes have emerged as one of the best methods available for advertisers to engage consumers. Many businesses make use of the codes for this purpose as well as to raise awareness for their various endeavors. However, the codes are struggling to gain traction with students, few of whom recognize the codes. Even fewer of them can find the codes useful in any way. The codes have been used on a number of university campuses…

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