The apparel store has turned its vintage t-shirt brand into a mobile commerce experience. The Junk Food Clothing brand from Delta Apparel has unveiled mall directories that feature QR codes and that allow shoppers to use their smartphones to learn more about the limited edition products and to make their purchases. The promotion is specific to the limited edition NFL sweatshirts and t-shirts offered by the brand. These displays with QR codes are appearing at a number of malls in several states. Participating states include: New York, Northern California, Illinois,…
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Mobile commerce website and apps redesigned by Toys ‘R’ Us
New site with a tablet focus has also been optimized and launched by the company. Toys ‘R’ Us and Babies ‘R’ Us have announced that their mobile commerce websites and apps have now been completely redesigned and that a new launch has also taken place to for optimization for tablet using consumers. The redesigned applications and sites provide consumers with a more simplified and engaging experience. The new mobile commerce apps and websites give customers the chance to browse and search for products, learn about these items, read their reviews,…
Read MoreQR codes are being scanned 96 percent more this year
The mobile barcodes have taken off among European smartphone owners. A new comScore report has shown that the number of smartphone users in Europe who have scanned QR codes has increased by 96 percent over the same three month period (ending July 2012) in 2011. The research examined the impact and activity of mcommerce overall in the continent. It included the usage of QR codes in the five largest markets in Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Italy). What it discovered was that three out of every four…
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