QR codes used to remember the deceased in Washington

QR Codes on headstones

QR codes have acclimated well into their role as the advertising tool that has come to define mobile marketing. However, few use the codes beyond the purposes of marketing. This lack of diversity fosters the notion that the codes are only good for a single purpose. Like most mobile technologies, the codes are versatile and able to adapt to a number of uses. Recently, QR codes have been appearing in places that few people like to dwell: Graveyards. Quiring Monuments, a company in Seattle, Washington, that offers custom QR codes…

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Sharing your art experience with virtual notes

The art world is becoming entangled with technology. As mobile devices become an integral part of society, art institutions steeping themselves in technology in an effort to better connect with their audience. To this end, more museums are opting to incorporate QR codes in their exhibitions. Many have found that this has transformed traditionally melancholy galleries into a full-fledged interactive experience. The codes have found their way to Edinburgh’s National Museum of Scotland, where more than 70 items have been labeled with a code. Alison Taubman, the principal curator of…

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