Mobile marketing taking off among Korean businesses

Korea mobile commerce

Consumers are beginning to learn the ropes of the different techniques, as well. The advertising industry in Korea has been undergoing an exceptionally rapid transformation thanks to smartphone technology, and this is making mobile marketing a highly successful technique, particularly through QR code coupons and mcommerce efforts. From virtual stores on subway walls to motion sensitive digital ads, the channel is opening up everywhere. Touch sensitive displays have become entirely commonplace in Korea, illustrating the comfort level with technology both among businesses and consumers. Also becoming a regular mobile marketing…

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QR codes are a natural complement to mcommerce coupons

Mobile Coupons with QR Codes

Discount programs are highly effective when used in conjunction with quick response barcodes. Though the actual use of coupons isn’t anything new, and even QR codes are reaching the point that they’ve been around long enough to be a part of mainstream mcommerce, what is only just being discovered is how well these two techniques work together. Consumers clearly enjoy receiving offers for discounts, and smartphones only add convenience. Coupons are an opportunity that both merchants and consumers can enjoy and that brings them both benefits. Consumers are able to…

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QR codes make mobile coupons more appealing

Mobile Coupons with QR Codes

These barcodes make discount opportunities very attractive to consumers. Marketers are being inundated with different ways to drive sales using mobile marketing, but it’s QR codes that are taking the cake in terms of opportunities for consumers to save using digital or sometimes referred to as mobile coupons. They are also very popular for other shopping opportunities. QR codes are also gaining momentum as a method for paying for certain purchases, such as parking, and for reading newspapers and newsletters. Overall, they have now been successfully driving sales both in-store…

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Mobile discount coupons focus on QR code and social media compatibility

Mobile gaming

Modiv Media has announced their newest product called Modiv Social, which allows consumers to collect discount coupons from any source they’d like, and then use them or share them over social media such as Facebook. This uses a concept that is not at all new, but that has yet to be fully leveraged over the mobile channel. Email marketers have been told that their effectiveness and survival will require the use of social and mobile platform links for some time now, but it wasn’t until mobile couponing arrived that this…

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PayPal is gearing up to expand into the real world with the help of QR codes

Paypal Mobile Payments wearable technology

PayPal, the electronic commerce tycoon, is attempting to move into the offline market by developing new payment technologies that will enable smart phone users to use their mobile device to make purchases. Details about this new model are scarce, as the company attempts to retain some level of secrecy, but what little is known about PayPal’s new scheme is that it involves QR codes. The codes are to be used to add a new dimension to the shopping experience and help facilitate the transition to an economy entirely based on…

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