Bacardi launches QR code wearable album clothing at Paris Fashion Week

QR Code - Bacardi Rum Bottle

The brand has brought a number of trends together in its apparel-based promotional marketing. Bacardi Rum launched a new QR code apparel promotional campaign just in time for Paris Fashion Week and is bringing together a number of trends to complete its design. The quick response codes were combined with musician partnerships and streetwear collabs. Bacardi worked with producer Boi-1da and streetwear brand NAHMIAS to create a branded apparel line featuring a QR code that can be scanned. Anyone who scans the barcode will be able to listen to music…

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American students design QR code merchandise for upcoming midterm elections

QR Code Merchandise - March For Our Lives Campaign - United We Stand Apparel

T-shirts and hoodies feature a unique American flag containing a QR code for online voter registration. The QR code merchandise designed specifically for the upcoming November 2018 midterm elections is a project from March For Our Lives. This is a student-led protest group created by a group of students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Florida. The QR codes will lead directly to online voter registration when scanned. The QR code merchandise enables smartphone users to easily scan the design and register to vote in the upcoming elections. The…

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QR codes on clothing converts college students into advertising

QR Codes on Tshirts

Local startup uses apparel as a form of walking billboard space. Chadwick Martin Bailey, a market research and consulting firm, has released the results of their recent poll regarding the way that people scan QR codes and it has led to some unique uses for the codes. The survey involved the participation of almost 1,300 people regarding their scanning habits. The poll found that 46 percent of the people who took part had scanned QR codes simply because they were “curious” about where it would lead. Jossle, a startup from…

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QR code tshirts provide digital introductions

QR Code T-Shirts

Whether this barcoded apparel will be considered cool or desperate has yet to be seen. QRTribe apparel has just released a product line including QR code tshirts that features a customized barcode that can be scanned by smartphone users in order to obtain information about the wearer. Only time will tell whether or not this new fashion will catch on. At the moment, it has the potential to occupy a specific niche market. It allows the consumer to select a piece of apparel and have his or her own unique…

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