Are Ebooks Worth It? Does Anyone Actually Read Them?

Are ebooks worth it?

From the least to the most popular books on Amazon, are people reading the digital copies? For a long time, readers, authors and publishers alike were asking “are ebooks worth it?”.  That time is well behind us as digital books have taken off in the last handful of years. The advantages of ebooks simply cannot be ignored, and they are a staple for any book release. A recent Pew Research Center survey on book formats and consumption showed that while traditional print (comprised primarily by paperback and hardcovers) remains the…

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Social media marketing is only the beginning for these authors

Perspective book series Youtube channel trailer - social media marketing

Book series writers Amanda Giasson and Julie B. Campbell are taking multi-channel advertising to another level. For Perspective book series authors, Amanda Giasson and Julie B. Campbell, social media marketing has been an integral part of the launch and continuing success of their fantasy fiction novels which so far include Love at First Plight and Second Wind. However, these authors haven’t stopped at social networks and have turned to every angle they can to spread the word. This effort has turned Giasson and Campbell into the exact opposite of the…

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Social media marketing product review strategies power up engagement

Book reviews are a powerful force, but it is the legitimate feedback and not fake posts that are drawing readers. When it comes to promoting a product, few opportunities level the playing field in the same way as social media marketing, provided that those Facebook and Twitter advertising strategies are implemented in a highly effective way. Some of the most successful campaigns have resulted from no- or low-budget efforts over social media. That said, without a massive advertising budget, then the power of the social media marketing strategy comes from…

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Social media marketing myths present sales barrier to indie authors

7 Branding Trends to Lookout for in 2021

Inaccurate beliefs are holding back the ability of certain writers to be able to improve their book sales. It has been broadly accepted among indie authors that social media marketing is among the most affordable and effective channels that they can use to be able to reach their readers and promote their latest (and previous) books, but the problem is that there is false information circulating that is reducing the results that many among this community are seeing. Advertising over social media can reach consumers over desktop and mobile platforms,…

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Social media marketing savvy authors cause shift in book sale strategies

social media marketing for book promotions authors

Writers ranging from those of bestselling novels to hidden gem indie publications are turning to Facebook, Twitter, and beyond. It wasn’t all that long ago that promoting a book meant that an author would talk to everyone they knew, attend book signings, work to obtain positive reviews, and attempt to make their way into a media interview, but today’s author also needs to use social media marketing to be much more accessible to his or her readers. While traditional marketing methods remain important, SMM is critical for book sales…when done…

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