Wearable technology isn’t seeing astounding sales figures

smartwatch wearable technology

Some are starting to ask whether or not the market is going to die off before it really took hold. Regardless of the dramatic hype that has been generated for products from Google, Apple, and Samsung, there is a growing number of analysts that are starting to say that wearable technology – ranging from smartwatches to augmented reality glasses and fitness bands – may never see the types of sales figures that have been achieved by smartphones or even tablets. The reason, according to some analysts, is that these mobile…

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Parks Associates report shows the growing support behind NFC technology

NFC Mobile Commerce Statistics

NFC-powered mobile commerce continues to gain momentum amongst consumers as telecommunications and technology company labor to raise awareness of NFC technology. Parks Associates, a leading market research and consultation firm, has released a new report outlining the rising demand for mobile commerce coming from consumers. The report shows that mobile consumers are becoming increasingly enamored with “mobile wallets” – the concept of smart phones doubling as payment devices. The increasing demand is attributed to the convenience inherent in the mobile wallet payment system. According to the report, nearly half of…

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