QR codes used in Qingdao on ancient trees

QR codes on trees support learning

The quick response codes are a part of a project that helps to identify the various species. Ancient trees within the Qingdao Zhongshan Park in the Shangdong Province of east China have now been labeled with QR codes to give visitors to the area a better opportunity to be able to learn more about these gorgeous giants. The quick response codes were added so that smartphone users could easily scan them to gain information. The QR codes are prominently displayed and are very easy for visitors to the park to…

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QR codes help to add to the rich historical experience of Bute Park

QR codes in bute park view of cardiff castle

This beautiful location in the capital of Wales is using smartphone technology to inform visitors. Visitors to Bute Park, a beautiful and historical location in Cardiff, Wales, will now be able to use QR codes to help to enhance their experience and to learn more about the history and significance of the park A considerable amount of information has been assembled, including old photographs of the area. Smartphones with any free reader for QR codes will be able to scan the barcodes in order to instantly gain access to the…

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