This is a major security effort to limit fraudulent certification claims. Leading organic and gluten free product certification organization, Quality Assurance International (QAI) has announced that a QR code will become a central element to its security features and fraud prevent efforts. The barcodes will be created for its certified product certificates. By using a QR code on the product certification documents, QAI hopes to reduce the amount of fraud that is currently occurring within this marketplace. At the moment, there are a rapidly growing number of fake certificates in…
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Healthiest barcode in the world: QR code made from organic fruits and vegetables
QR codes are often considered the pioneer of interactive mobile marketing. Indeed, the codes have proven that more people are more apt to get hooked into marketing campaigns if they are interactive. It should come as no surprise, then, that the codes are taking this interactivity to a new level by becoming edible. Edible QR codes have been made from blocks of chocolate, frosting, mints and other sorts of junk food in the past. Such initiatives have been met with success, as consumers revel in the novelty of…
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