Mobile marketing at Facebook will beat out Google next year

Google I/O mobile sites

The head of Opera Mediaworks has said that smartphone and tablet based ads from the social network will win. According to the chief exec at Opera Mediaworks, Mahi De Silva, who is also a veteran in mobile marketing and advertising, while Google may still be in the lead when it comes to that channel, that position will change next year when it is overtaken by Facebook. Opera Mediaworks is owned by Opera Software, which is based in Norway and brought in $120 million in revenue last year. This year, Opera…

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Mobile marketing at Android moves ahead of iOS for first time

Apple vs Android mobile marketing

Until now, Apple has always held the largest amount of ad traffic, but that has recently changed. According to a recently released quarterly advertising report, while Apple had previously held the undisputed lead in mobile marketing in terms of the amount of ad traffic that it generates from iPhones, Android has now achieved the top position for the first time. For years, the ad traffic from Android smartphones has had nearly no impact on the share from iPhones. There had been a number of different theories put forward to help…

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