ScanLife report shows that QR codes and UPC barcodes are gaining ground with consumers in the U.S.

Mobile Marketing Statistics

The latest Trend Report from ScanLife, a mobile marketing company, shows that the popularity of QR codes and UPC barcodes is growing in the U.S. These codes have been around for decades but consumers have only recently become aware of their existence. The report shows that 2D barcodes are beating traditional 1D barcodes, such as UPC codes, in popularity. This is due, primarily, to the fact that QR codes are much more dynamic than their counterparts, allowing consumers to gain access to a wealth of digital content by scanning them…

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How to make a QR code out of chocolate

Chocolate QR Code

February has arrived and that means that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. As the day creeps closer, people are beginning to look for gifts for their loved ones. For the tech-savvy, getting a romantic gift can be as simple as making a QR code. Chocolate is, perhaps, the most iconic sweet for Valentine’s Day. In the past, companies like Lock&Lock from South Korea have constructed QR codes made entirely out of chocolate. The feat is not as challenging as it may seem, as YouTube’s decocookie shows. Decocookie’s latest…

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Vogue Australia adopts QR codes to reach out to mobile consumers

Vogue Video

The print industry continues to acclimate to a world growing more enthralled with technology. Magazine publishers are beginning to realize that they must adapt to this changing world or risk being left behind by consumers. Mobile technology can be intimidating for an industry that has, until very recently, been almost entirely separate from technology. QR codes have, however, provided the industry with a way to break into mobile technology without having to battle the steep learning curve. Vogue Australia has included a QR code in its latest issue, hoping to…

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Artist Frank Haase creates QR coded shoes prototype

QR Codes

As QR codes continue to grow more popular, companies are experimenting with innovative ways to use them. The innovation may come from people instead of companies, however, especially as more artists get their hands on the codes. Frank Haase, an artist and designer, has made a prototype pair of QR coded shoes. The idea is simple enough but could have major implications on marketing campaigns and may be a good tool for those looking to brand themselves. The shoes feature a QR code carved into their sole. The idea is…

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Canadian restaurants adopt QR codes for the sake of transparency

QR Codes

Restaurants in Vancouver, Canada, are beginning to adopt QR codes as a way to connect with customers. As people become more conscious about what they eat, they are beginning to wonder exactly where their food comes from. The restaurant industry has long held a standard of using fresh ingredients and humanely produced meat. Now, restaurateurs in Canada are looking to show their customers where their food comes from. QR codes are starting to show up on menus from a variety of establishments. When these codes are scanned with a smart…

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