Big players are making their moves toward mobile payment NFC technology

M-Commerce Industry

As more companies reveal their intentions for Black Friday discounts, sales, and other opportunities, the number of times that mobile payment services are mentioned continue to rise. Since the start of the week, four mobile market leaders have had their names connected with new NFC technology intentions in the hopes that mobile device users will attach themselves to the wave- or tap-and-pay systems for completing purchase transactions. Telefonica – a multinational mobile network operator – and RIM have announced that the newest service with NFC by Telefonica will be available…

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Google Wallet is officially launched for NFC mobile payments on the Nexus S

Mobile Payments

Google has officially announced the launch of its mobile contactless payment program based on near field communications (NFC) technology, which allows consumers to buy products and services by tapping their smartphones at any of the over 300,000 merchant terminals that are able to accept MasterCard PayPass transactions. So far, the technology is available only through the Sprint Nextel Nexus S smartphone, which runs on version 2.3.4 of the Android operating system, and contains an NFC chip. Moreover, the service is starting by only allowing either Citi MasterCards that have been…

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