There are a lot of mobile devices and technologies out there and students want to be equipped with the hottest ones. The time has come for last minute shopping for school supplies and this year’s students have tech gadgets on the top of their lists, despite the fact that notebooks, pencils, binders, and backpacks are still an important part of the classroom experience. The thing is that these days, there are far more demands for mobile devices and digital technology. While that may sound straightforward, when you have a look…
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Top 3 Ways that YouTubers are successfully engaging viewers
When done right, video bloggers can be experts in social media marketing with hugely effective traffic generation. YouTubers are some of the top leaders when it comes to social media marketing, but just because a video is posted on YouTube, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will generate the desired results. There are certain techniques and social marketing strategies that must be employed for traffic generation and engagement. Some video bloggers have paid attention to what truly works and have built social media marketing strategies on YouTube that generate a…
Read MoreMobile trend experts compare the refrigerator to a smartphone
The latest mobile trend data is showing that as a society, we’re hungry people… and it’s not just for the food in our refrigerator; it’s for connected devices and digital content. We absolutely love our smartphones and tablets and we’re using these gadgets to do a growing number of things. From the moment a mobile gadget alarm goes off in the morning to the last time messages are checked at night, these devices have become extremely central to our lives, to the point that most of us don’t know exactly…
Read MoreWould Planned Obsolescence Control Ever Fly in The United States?
LOS ANGELES, CA: Planned obsolescence is a type of policy that is particularly present in the technology industry but that is also expanding into many other areas, as well, in which consumer goods/appliances are deliberately created so that they will quickly need to be replaced. This occurs by designing and manufacturing those products by using non-durable materials, ending the creation of replacement parts, and frequently changing the designs for next gen models. Some countries have made specific moves to control the trend involving products that fall into the category of…
Read MoreMogix battery bank has announced its “Middle Mania Sale”
The power bank company has taken a unique tack to discount its devices well ahead of Valentine’s Day. The battery bank company, Mogix, that features a dog as its mascot – a Jack Russell Terrier with the same name as the company – issued a press release, yesterday, to announce its “After Christmas, After New Year and Before Valentines Sale!” The company is providing the opportunity to mobile technology users to save when purchasing multiple power banks. The logic behind the deal is that some of the most popular tech…
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