How much has your mobile phone altered your mind?

Mobile phone - Mind altering

Cellular devices have come a long way over the last fifty years, including changing how you think. The mobile phone has become ubiquitous in our society, and their use has gone well beyond simply talking to someone who isn’t physically present. These devices are used for a broad spectrum of purposes, to the point that they are altering the way we think of accomplishing tasks throughout our typical days. That said, many are starting to wonder if these devices are actually changing our brains. Many of us spend far too…

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First iPhone launched a substantial mobile phone trend involving head injuries

Mobile phone trend - woman walking looking at mobile phone

When Apple released the first ever smartphone, people started hurting themselves and it’s still happening. There’s no mystery that looking down while walking increases risk of injuries, but a mobile phone trend began when the iPhone first entered the scene. The smarter cell phones get, the more dangerously people are using them while distracted. According to new research, in 2007, the year Apple first released the iPhone, a new mobile phone trend began. That same year, the number of head injuries linked with cell phones took off. The research findings…

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