Designing the m-commerce world on a foundation of e-commerce the social market

Mobile Commerce

It doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone anymore that consumers are using the internet, social network platforms, and even mobile channels to help make decisions regarding products and services that they wish to purchase, and to actually execute those transactions, but the fact is that this behavior is continuing to climb. Recent research is indicating that more than 50 percent of purchasing decisions were in some way researched online in some way either on computers or mobile devices. This change in the behavior of consumers has had significant impact…

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E-commerce is already stepping into its mobile future

Mobile commerce and the future

It is becoming increasingly evident that mobile is the way of the future for e-commerce, and in many places – such as China – retailers are discovering that mobile is already becoming important in the present. A consulting firm called Analysis International, with a specialty in Chinese internet market research, has released data that indicates that mobile phone sales revenues reached the $261 million (1.67 billion yuan) mark in this year’s second quarter. When compared to the same time last year, this is an increase of 880 million yuan. Of…

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What will it take to keep the M-Commerce ship afloat


The NFC-driven mobile payment revolution may be coming to an abrupt end before it ever really gained any momentum. Analysts with Gartner Inc., a technology research firm, say that the prospect of mobile payments may be interesting, but the technology needed to facilitate this form of commerce is much more complex than the big players would have consumers believe. Many have stated before that the instigation of mobile commerce is seldom a singular effort. Companies interested in pioneering the field of mobile payments must garner the support of several thousand…

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